CSS: Day 4

well writing after many days... exams were there hence could not find time to write.

So let's begin...


the viewport is an amazing thing changing the site css and features according to the available screen size and making changes in icon sizes almost everything to provide the user the best experience.

Here, you can add range of display size and add functionality accordingly.


Overflow is known as when the content crosses the allocated size.

This may lead text to get superimposed on to each other,this problem is solved by using a css functionality scroll.(overflow: scroll;) add a scroll bar right most section of the block. Which allows user to easily scroll.


  1. absolute: It measures its position with respect to its parent.

  2. Fixed: It is used to keep anything fixed on the screen even as you scroll the page.

  3. Sticky: It is used to stick something on to its parent content.As soon as its parent content finishes it will stick to the bottommost part of the parent section and go away as you scroll down.

    Note: Whenever you are using Position you must also write about the distance from top or bottom-- left or right.

    Z index

    (z-index: -2;) Like this

    I was really amazed by its functionality I had seen many web sites using this functionality and always wondered how they were able to do it.. Today I learnt about it.

    You can stack images text using this

    Default we have 1 and if we want to add something above it just

    enter 2 and so on. And if you want to stack something below it just go on entering -1.

    Signing off:

    Prateek Pathak

    Btech 1st year

    IIIT Allahabad