Html Basics---1

Inline vs block element

there are two types of elements inline and block. Inline are those which occupy only the space needed by them.

Ex: <a>,<em>,<textarea>,etc.

whereas block elements occupy the whole block.


Adding images, audio and video :

Adding them is a very easy task

<img src="Link of the image">

you just need to change img to audio to add audio to the program only thing you need to take care is you must give a controls attribute in them so that the user can control it.

Linking pages

for linking pages

<a href="link of the new page">Click</a>


We have two types of lists:

  1. Ordered list: Here you get bullet points in terms of number. Like, it can be a decimal no. or a roman number.

  2. Unordered list: Here you get bullet points but not numbers. You get different types of shapes of bullet point which is given to all members of the list.